ClimEx-PE Workshop: Laying down a common path

The ClimEx-PE project’s international workshop, held in Budapest from July 2nd to 4th, 2024 had a profound impact. All partners from the University of Barcelona, University of Utrecht, University of Zaragoza, Trinity College Dublin, and Eötvös Loránd University (members of the CHARM-EU Alliance) came together to discuss project tasks, clarify responsibilities, and foster as well as strengthen collaboration.
Launched on 1 April, the project is a sophisticated approach that explores the social, legal and economic, as well as educational and communication potential of nature-based managed aquifer recharge as a hydrogeological adaptation option. In addition to the transdisciplinary nature, different institutions with different backgrounds and capacities are involved in the challenge of mitigating the impacts of climate extremes. The workshop proved to be useful both in terms of shared understanding and effective allocation of project tasks. The resulting collaborative framework allows for effective communication and coordination between project participants.
The field trip on the third day was equally valuable. We explored the Duna-Tisza Interfluve, the Hungarian study site area, visiting sand dunes, a dried lake, and a saline lake. These site visits provided firsthand insights into regional groundwater flow systems, enhancing their understanding on the on the NaBa-MAR concept and informing future project activities.
Overall, the workshop served as a pivotal moment, aligning partners and setting the stage for successful collaboration throughout the ClimEx-PE project.