Introducing the Short Film "Wasted Waters"

Introducing the Short Film

We are excited to announce the release of WWF Hungary's latest short film, "Wasted Waters". WWF Hungary, one of the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) members of the ClimEx-PE project.

This film highlights the severe impacts of desiccation on our environment and underscores the importance of nature-based solutions in addressing these challenges. Through stunning visuals, the film showcases successful examples of nature-based water retention solutions, such as restored streambeds and closed drainage canals, which have transformed arid areas into lush habitats for diverse plant and animal species.

The premiere of "Wasted Waters" took place on January 30, 2025, followed by an engaging roundtable discussion. The event brought together the film's creators and water management experts to share their insights and experiences on the topic.

This film is particularly significant for the ClimEx-PE project as it aligns with our core objectives of promoting sustainable water management practices and mitigating the effects of extreme hydroclimatic events. The film's emphasis on changing territorial water management practices resonates with our project's goal of implementing Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) solutions to secure water resources and enhance groundwater flow systems.

Watch the film (with english subtitle) and learn how we can protect our waters for future generations.

The creation of this film also involved the expertise of ELTE specialists: Judit Mádl-Szőnyi, Szilvia Simon and Soma Oláh.

Source: WWF Hungary